I’ve posted before about my little boys questioning skills. Last week he said,
‘Mummy, who made the sun and dinosaurs and people?’
It threw me a little bit as I didn’t really know which way to answer. I believe in God and we go to church, but am also a scientist and can’t just dismiss evolution, so I tried to explain from both sides. I said some people believe God made everything and some believe that there was a Big Bang which made the sun and the planets.
The whole God part seemed to pass him by and for the next half an hour he asked question after question on The Big Bang, culminating in him saying that when he ‘popped out of Mummy’ he heard a big bang.
A few days later we were watching ‘Octonuats’ on the TV when he suddenly piped up with
‘Mummy, How did God make people without screws?’
I ‘m still trying to find an answer….anyone want to hep me out?
Oh this is a hard one!! It’s hard to try and explain some things without making them very confused.
I remember helping in my son’s reception class many moons ago and the teacher had explained what the kids were going to do that day and then said ‘ Any questions?’ to which my son put his hand up and asked
‘Why do birds not get electrocuted on the phone lines?’!!!!!!! I will never forget it.
Typical đŸ™‚
Easy–man can’t replicate what God did so perfectly, and can only *try* to imitate (hence, the screws). BTW, I’m no scientist, but it seems to me you can easily incorporate the two. Afterall, Who made science? There’s lots of good writing out there on it: http://www.reasons.org/our-partners/ministry-partners
And then how do you explain people with a loose screw….
Um… the whole conversation is over my head! HEhe. I’m a scientist and not a creationist but very impressed that you gave your son both sides. I hope that I can give my daughter the options in the same way so that if she wants to have faith she can. She will not know that her father and I are non-believers until she’s made up her own mind xXx
i love the fact he said he heard a big bang when he popped out!
I too get a barrage of impossible questions on a daily basis! x
Its fun isn’t it! x
Love it. Sounds like he keeps you on your toes. Kids are good like that aren’t they?
They certainly are. x
superglue. Duh. đŸ™‚
Why didn’ t I think of that? đŸ™‚