It’s hard to believe it’s almost the end of the year and even harder to believe it’s almost 2022. My eldest child will be 15 next year, which blows my mind! I know we’ve done a lot with the kids over the years, but as a parent I think you always wish you’d done more…taken more days out, been on more holidays, found a way to provide more experiences and generally just made the most of the family time together. Of course the last 18 months have been even harder to make the most of travel but we have tried!
I take a lot of photos, mostly they are stored on my computer, the best might be on Facebook or Instagram and some I have printed out, but I do worry about losing everything. We don’t have many baby photos of my eldest child as the hard drive we stored them on broke and we lost everything that hadn’t been printed.
I don’t often have the time to look through the 1000s off photos we have and print them out, but the end of the year always gives me a bit of a push. Especially if I’m making photo gifts for people, it’s easy to get photos printed at the same time.
Recording Memories
Each year I make a photo book of our adventures over the last 12 months. It’s a great way to look back on the year and also years later a wonderful reminder of family adventures. They come in different shapes and sizes and are great quality. I find them much nicer to look through than stacks of photos.
My youngest child loves to look at our old photo books. He calls them the ‘books about me’. I think they help to cement memories of holidays and special events in the children’s minds as well.
I’m sure one day when the kids have all left home we’ll all enjoy looking through our hopefully large collection of photo books during family get togethers and laugh at the memories.
Photo Calendars
I’ve also made photo calendars in the past. They are great fun if you match the month with a photo from the year before so you can remember what was happening at the same time 12 months earlier. Another idea is to use a photo of someone whose birthday it is that month as a fun reminder.

School Photos
I’ve started buying the digital download of school photos instead of the prints as that way I can print off the sizes I want and need, add them to photo books and calendars and print off extras for gifts as well. IT’s also nice to have a stored version of the photo so it doesn’t just get lost in a frame or box.
How to you record memories and store photos?
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