The thought of nits doesn’t fill you with revulsion, and you actually find it strangely satisfying watching them wriggle as they drop into the sink. Despite this you add tea tree oil to every hair product you own.
You develop a love for hats, much faster than doing hair.
2 minute porridge becomes a necessity.
You have a secret stash of craft materials in order to be ready to make firework hair, poppy hats, crowns or anything else needed at short notice.
‘Come on we are going to be late‘ is the thing you say most between the hours of 8 and 9am.
By 930 you feel like you’ve done a day’s work and need to collapse with a cup of tea.
You have a pocket full of sweets for times of desperation ( bribery might not be recommended but it works )
Do you have anymore for me?
Love it! I could go on… “you find yourself going to bed at some ungodly hour, if it’s not really late to finish something that needs to go to school the next day, it’s stupidly early out of sheer exhaustion” The list must be endless surely? đŸ˜€
Oh yes I can fully recognise that. x
I do have sweets in my pocket at times. They are mostly for me though!
Oh yes “Come on we are going to be late” is my standard school run catch phrase.. ha!
Oh I can totally relate đŸ™‚
…you look to the skies, expecting rain, as the clock reaches 3pm!