Planning a wedding is challenging and it’s always hard to perfect the small details and remember to thank the right people. A little thank you gift for guests can be the final touch to a wedding table and a lovely token of appreciation for your guests. It’s also a great excuse for the addition of an extra table decoration that can be chosen to fit the theme of the day or the season.

If you’re having a winter wedding you could gift scarves or a marshmallow toasting gift, for spring give seeds or daffodils and perhaps a fan for a hot summer’s day!
SAKETOS make beautiful material bags made from jute, organza and linen which are perfect for placing a little gift inside.

If you’re planning on making thank you gifts for guests you’ll love these ideas! Most of them them are simple to put together, but look great especially when displayed inside a little jute or organza bag. The best thing is you can spend as little or as much as you like guests will just appreciate the thought!
Things have moved on since the days of sugared almonds as a wedding favour. Chocolates or sweets in a bag always go down well, especially if guests are likely to hungry when they sit down! Adding personalised wrapping is a great touch too. If you didn’t want to pay for personalisation, adding an extra wrapper that you’ve personalised yourself to a standard bar of chocolate is a great option.
Soaps, bubbles or even toiletries guests might find handy on the day are another idea. Perhaps wipes to allow guests to freshen up, a small bottle of perfume or tissues to dry their eyes after the speeches! For an extra special gift, how about homemade soaps made with the brides favourite scent?
Little candles are a great gift guests will enjoy taking home to use and remember the special day. Mini candles fit well into small organza bags and could even be paired with a personalised pack of matches.
Ingredients for a cocktail, perhaps the new couples favourite drink is another idea. Guests can take it home and use to toast the newlyweds for a second time. For guests that don’t drink alcohol and children a non-alcoholic version could be provided.
If you want to give your guests an extra special gift, how about a small plant or succulent, or for smaller budgets a pack of seeds for guests to take home and grow is a thoughtful and long lasting gift. Imagine all your guests having the same beautiful cactus in their house, or everyone growing sunflowers that burst into flower at the same time.
If you want to go all out, how about a pair of slippers or slip flops for the guests to rest their weary feet in at the end of the evening? You could even add a couple of plasters for those guests who you know will be first up on the dance floor in their heels.
Giving younger wedding guests something to keep them busy at the table is a good idea. Perhaps disposable cameras for some ‘in the moment’ photos, colouring books or card games. Giving kids jobs is another way to keep them busy. Ask the younger guests to make sure everyone signs a guest book or poses for a photo with the happy couple!
Wedding gifts for guests don’t have to be expensive or fancy, just a small token gift is usually very welcome and often gets the conversation going at the tables before the food is served.

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