I am well known for being completely disorganised. I don’t mean to be so late with everything, especially teacher gifts, as teachers work so hard throughout the year and my children have been very lucky and had some amazing teachers over the years. However, sometimes time just seems to run away with me, so here are my top picks for fantastic, easy last-minute teacher gift ideas.
DIY Candy Cards
We made candy card boxes rather than cards, so they were easy to transport. These came out SO well! I used Picmonkey to create the text and bought the boxes from Amazon.

Personalised notebook
First up is this gorgeous personalised notebook. This arrived within a few days beautifully but simply wrapped in a paper bag, with a lovely message embossed down the side.
Handmade teacher gifts
We made this for a whole class, but you could make a mini version with just one child and add the hand on a stick to a small plant.
Coffee Vouchers
Coffee vouchers always seem to go down well and this Thanks a Latte idea is just super cute!
Make your own bath bombs
Bath bombs are easy to make, smell delicious and are sure to relax a teacher at the end of the year. We especially love these lavender ones from Red Ted Art.
We also really, really love these acts of kindness ideas from The Imagination Tree.
I have, in the past, also made full class scrapbooks for teachers, including a drawing and a little message from each child. Vouchers of any kind are usually well received, and, of course, alcoholic gifts! Do you buy or make teacher gifts?
Huge thanks to Urban Cottage Industries for the lovely notebook.
Those ‘thanks a latte’ gifts are such a cute idea! You could even make them at home yourself (for those of us with no access to a Starbucks).
Oooo I love the idea of coffee vouchers – I don’t like to buy things that won’t get used