On one of our somewhat difficult car journey’s over Christmas I was sat trying to fall asleep. Baby H and S were sat in the back fighting over a taggie blanket, Hubby was singing loudly to a terrible 80s song and Z was obviously deep in thought, as through the chaos a little voice piped up with.
“Mummy, did I come from an egg”
Me “errrrm”
Z “you know like on ‘Happy feet’ like the penguins?”
me “errrm, no you came from inside Mummy, humans don’t lay eggs”
Hubby stops singing ( phew ) and says “animals that come from eggs only have small brains as the eggs don’t have much food in them, we have big brains“.
Z “but does H have a small brain cause she doesn’t eat much?”
*Chuckles all around*
Fighting over the blanket resumes, terrible singing resumes….
If you have a funny post from the last few weeks, I’d love you to link up below. I promise to come and read them all.
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So sweet! They don’t have come out with some funny stuff at that age! Emma đŸ™‚
Now the correct answer to that is yes, the egg grows in Mummy’s tummy, at which point your 7 yr old will ask ‘How does it get there? Do you eat it?’ Answer that one!
ha ha…I’m glad we are a way off that! x
lol, You’ve just got to love kids and their literal world. Lets you see it all over again from completely diff coloured glasses đŸ™‚
Yes, its great isn’t it! đŸ™‚
He he! Love it! x
Haha so cute. They really do say the cutest things xx