I first bought a Micro Scooter about four years ago, it was a little blue Mini Micro for Z. That summer thanks to his new baby sister stealing his pram, he scooted everywhere. It was amazing, his confidence soared. At one point we had to buy a new back wheel as the brake had been used so much the wheel was square. Two years later we bought a pink version for little S, she too took to scooting easily and was soon racing after her big brother. The scooters were invaluable for getting us out and about to nursery and friends house’s quickly and easily.
I bought my husband the Monster Bullet one Father’s day, and much to my surprise that Christmas I received a silver Sprite with a big bow on it. It was just so much easier and safer for us to be able to scoot along with the kids at the same pace, and a great way to keep us all active, even in the winter.
Both Mini Micro Scooters have been so well used and the blue one is still in perfect working order even after all that use. They really are extremely robust, and believe me, my kids are not gentle.
Z upgraded to a red Sprite the Christmas just before he was five, he adapted quickly to the drop down to two wheels and is still very confident when riding it. I was less sure what to do for S, she is 5 in September, but very small for her age, although she can ride the Sprite, I was worried about it being a bit much for her as two wheels are obviously not as stable as three.
Micro Scooters kindly sent us a red Maxi Micro T-Bar scooter for her to try. It arrived on a nursery day so we walked to nursery with it so she could scoot back. Immediately, she could ride as happily and confidently as on her Mini Micro. The lean and tilt steering mechanism is the same on both scooters so the transition was easy.
As with all the Micro Scooters we own, the Maxi Micro seems very robust, I know it will last us for years, especially as the handle bar is adjustable.
For both Z and S we have moved on from the Mini Micro just before they were five years old, but both of them have been scooting competently since two years old, so for us this felt like the right time to upgrade them. I think the choice of the Sprite or Maxi Micro depends on the child. I didn’t feel S had the strength to control the Sprite properly and didn’t want her to lose confidence. You can see in the video below that she oozes confidence on the Maxi Micro.
Little H has been very happy to finally have her own scooter, even if it is a hand me down. We jazzed it up a bit for her with a funky bag, so she is more than happy.
Personally, I would always buy from Micro Scooters, from what I have seen of other scooters owned by friends, Micro Scooters are far superior in quality. The fact that you can easy buy spare parts and cool accessories is also a huge bonus.
We were kindly sent the Maxi Micro for the purpose of this review.
A Beautiful Space has a great review of the Micro Scooter Sprite if you want a great two wheel scooter.
We love micro scooters In our house too. Poppy, Rosie & husband have one each đŸ™‚ x
đŸ™‚ Brilliant
We wore out many pairs of shoes with MicroScooters, they are just the best invention, and really easy for kids to get to grips with. Love the fact that you all have one. How fabulous! đŸ™‚
They are brilliant, aren’t they ?
I am very tempted to get one myself too, although I quite like to jog the school run. I had no idea how much it burns your leg muscles until I tried it. By then Of course I had been telling the kids to stop complaining that their legs were aching, I am amazed how fast they can go without getting tired now they are older!
It is amazing isn’t it?
I think I’m going to have to get me one just to keep up on the school run – and the one my 10 yr old got is really fast.