Charlie and I have been loving trying lots of autumn themed activities recently. Despite the cold and rain, I love autumn! Crisp leaves, gorgeous colour trees and the general anticipation of Christmas makes me really happy, although I could live without the dark nights!
I’ve put together a collection of my favourite autumn activities for toddlers, but let me know if you have any we might like as we’re always looking for more.
Autumn Activities for Toddlers
Pumpkin Lava Lamps
Lava lamps are great fun and always lead to a little wow when children see them for the first time. This pumpkin themed one is cute rather than scary and a fun alternative to a real pumpkin. All you need is cooking oil, water, food colouring and an effervescent vitamin tablet.
Autumn Play Dough
We’ve had hours of fun with this simple play dough and loose parts set up. We made hedgehogs, pumpkins and rolled the pinecones in the play dough to make a pattern.
Pooh Sticks
Pooh sticks is great fun for kids of all ages. We each found a good stick and decorated it with leaves so they all looked different before racing them under a bridge. Charlie ( age 2 ) would’ve happily played this for hours!
Drawing Leaf People
This one was more for me than the kids, but they enjoyed creating fun leaf characters from leaves too!
We left the leaves stuck to the paper for a few days and observed what happened as they dried out.
Conker Towers
Everyone enjoyed building conker towers. We had a competition to find out who could build the tallest tower. Remember to always supervise small children with conkers.
Autumn Ice
We rescued leaves from ice using droppers to drop warm water over the surface. This also kept Charlie happily entertained for a long time.
Autumn Outdoor Digger Play
Is there anything better than a pile of leaves? I added a couple of trucks and diggers and the set up kept Charlie entertained for days until the leaves went a bit soggy.
What’s your favourite autumn play activity?
If your children are excited about the run up to Christmas Rainy Day Mum has some awesome advent activities for toddlers.
These autumn activities sound a lot of fun and a wonderful way to keep kids occupied. Some lovely ideas that my son would love too.