Do you search for ways to save money when shopping? Are you one of those people who stands on their phone in a shop searching for the best deal before buying or are you more of an impulse purchaser? I’m a bit of both, if I’m at home, I tend to search around a bit, but if I’m in an actual shop I tend to buy without thinking too much. There are lots of ways to save money though, and it does seem silly not to make the most of them.

Use a cashback website
If you’re shopping online there really is nothing easier than using a cashback website to recoup some of the the costs. You usually just have to search for the shop while logged into the cash back website and then complete your purchase. It can take a bit of time for the money to come back to you, but I like to save mine up and take it out in vouchers to buy Christmas or birthday presents!
Look for special offers
Sometimes it’s worth searching for a special offer or waiting for one to come along. Although, if it’s something you really want or need it’s best to buy there and then. I really wanted to buy a dress last month, but hung on for a discount day, by which time they’d sold out! I should just have bought it at full price.
Use weekly Ads
Weekly ads are always worth looking at as well, you never know what might pop up that you’ll find useful, especially if you know your favourite store often features.
Plan, plan, plan
If you see a special offer or deal on something but don’t need it for a few months, buy it anyway if you can! I often stock up on gifts when I see them discounted, especially for the kid’s Christmas presents or friend’s birthdays!
Make a list and stick to it
If you’re trying to budget, I find a list helps, especially with grocery shopping where it’s very easy to go overboard with things you don’t really need. Online shopping is also handy as you can track how much you’ve spent as you go.
It can be a challenge to stick to the list, but is definitely worth giving it a go!
How to you save money when you shop?
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Oh its indeed important to watch the wallet when out in the wild for shopping đŸ˜‰